Verity - A true principle or belief, of essential, fundamental importance Registration Opens May 25th

Field Trip Idea Form 2023-24

indicates a required answer

1. *

Please write your name

2. *

What is the Proposed Field Trip Destination? Please include the business name and street address.

3. *

Proposed Field Trips Dates (please include 3 options)

If the date can't be decided on yet (i.e. the museum may not have availability on the date you want), please indicate the day of the week and the month you are targeting. (Examples: Mondays or Wednesdays in October, Mondays in November)

4. *

What is the per student or per family cost for this field trip?

5. *

What is the targeted age range for this field trip? (Select all that apply.)

 (1 required)
Whole Family Pre-School (ages 0-6)
Elementary (Grades 1-5) Middle School (grades 6-8)
High School (grades 9-12)

Please give any additional information you think the board may need to make a decision or reasons why this field trip appeals to you.