Supporting Christian Homeschooling Families in the East Bay Registration Opens May 25th

Volunteer Service Opportunities 2024-2025

Please read this section prayerfully, with family discussion, and decide how your family would like to share their talents, gifts, interests, and abilities with other families in the Academy. In addition to moms, we encourage dads and older students to volunteer as well. Your family’s contribution and commitment are critical for fulfilling our mission and vision. If you are unable to complete your required volunteer credits in a timely manner, it may affect your eligibility for membership in Verity Academy.  Please select areas where your family is willing to serve.

• For Returning Full or Partnered Members, your service should total 8 credits for this school year.

• For New Members (including former Junior Partnered Members), your service should total 4 credits for this school year.

• For Junior Partnered Members, your service should total 2 credits for this school year.

For questions regarding any of these volunteer opportunities, or coordinating an event or class, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator here.

At the time of registration, when signing up to host a class or field trip, you will be required to fill out a detailed Idea Form.  This is essential to the creation of the Verity calendar for the school year.  Failure to have these forms filled out will delay the approval of your registration. 

Below is a summary list of all of the volunteer positions available. Please be sure to read the descriptions that follow before signing up for that position. If there is a line through the item that means the job has been filled.

Thank you! We look forward to serving with you this year!


Volunteer Service Opportunities Summary Page

(updated as of 10/9/2024)

Verity School Support 

  • Back to School Photographer
  • End of Year Graduate Photographer
  • Social Media & Marketing
  • Meal Train Coordinator
  • Yearbook Editor
  • Yearbook Admin
  • Yearbook Page Designer (2 people)  

Community Service

  • Coordinator (2-3 people)

Mom’s Gatherings

  • Mom’s Back to School Potluck
    • Set Up/ Clean Up
  • Mom’s Potluck Soup Night
  • Mom’s Christmas Potluck
  • Mom's Valentine Celebration
  • Teacher Appreciation Dinner
    • Set Up/ Clean Up
  • MOM T.I.M.E. (Teach, Inspire, Mentor, Encourage)
    • Speaker for one month
    • Hostess for one month

Family Events

  • Father/Son Event
  • Father/Daughter Event
  • Mother/Son Event
  • Mother/Daughter Tea Host
    • Activity/Craft
    • Clean Up
  • Dad’s Gathering 
  • Family Movie Event (Winter)
  • Parent Date Night
  • Park Day Coordinator
  • Theater Performance Coordinator
  • Back to School Picnic Coordinator
  • Verity Information Night Hostess (April)
    • Set Up/Clean Up
  • Rock-N-Water Camping Trip

Field Trips 

  • Pumpkin Patch (October)
  • Ice Skating (January)
  • Fruit Picking (May)
    • Brentwood
  • Bowling
  • Other (see list below)
  • Months available: September. October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May

Craft Classes

  • Fall
  • Christmas
  • Valentine’s Day
  • Spring/Easter


  • One-Time Class
  • On-Going Class
  • Guest Teacher
  • On-Going Mom’s Bible Study Facilitator
  • Middle School Girls Club Coordinator (God’s Girls)
  • Middle School Boys Club Coordinator (God’s Faithful Followers)
  • High School Girls Club Coordinator
  • High School Boys Club Coordinator
  • Co-ed High School Club Coordinator


  • DVD/Slideshow Producer
  • Set-up Crew
  • Clean-up Crew
  • Graduation Coordinator










Volunteer Service Opportunity Descriptions



Back to School Photographer:

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 8

  • Plan 1-2 days in September to take school pictures of Verity Academy students.  You will be responsible for all communication and sign-ups. Send touched-up photos to Academy parents within four weeks.  All details will need to be communicated one month before the event by completing the Announcement Form given to you by a board member.
  • You will be responsible for uploading parent chosen student images to TreeRing for the yearbook. 


End of Year Graduate Photographer:

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 6

  • Be responsible for coordinating a day and location to take pictures in March of our 8th grade and senior graduating students, both individually and in a group.  You may need to do this on 2 separate days. You will be responsible for sending 3 individual touched-up photos to parents. You will be working with the Graduation Tech Committee while planning this event.
  • You will be responsible for uploading parent chosen student images to TreeRing for the yearbook. 


Social Media & Marketing:

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 4

  • Make weekly posts (or more) on Instagram and Facebook to show a full picture of what Verity Academy East Bay is up to. This is both a source of encouragement for Verity members and a marketing tool for prospective families. You can use pictures from clubs, classes, field trips, park days, etc. but be sure to showcase all ages and stages of our community (except for the families who have not authorized picture sharing in public; a list will be provided to you). Beside pictures, other posts (such as text posts you create or posts shared by other homeschool entities) can be shared. You may share political posts from HSLDA, Family Protection MInistries and CHEA that directly relate to homeschooling legislation, but you may not share political posts that may be divisive (such as about vaccines) or support any candidate or political party. 
  • Additionally, find websites that gather contact information for homeschool groups and, with board approval, register Verity Academy East Bay to be included in their directory (so that families googling homeschooling + Livermore, for example, will find us more readily). 


Mealtrain Coordinator:

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 4

  • Set up Mealtrains for Verity families as needs arise.  This may be the birth of a child, family loss, family sickness, etc. Update with information as needed.
  • Contact the moms of newborns born during the school year in Verity to offer a meal train and kindly request the stats of the baby (birthdate, weight, picture, etc.) to make a congratulatory post in the forum. Communicate with the mom that the request is an invitation, if she is interested, to share the exciting news with the community. Adding a bible verse or a sentiment about the newborn to make the post more personal and fun is encouraged.     
  • Responsible for providing and delivering 2-3 meals throughout the year. 


Yearbook Editor:

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 8

  • The Yearbook Editor is responsible for contacting TreeRing in July and using a coupon to secure a contract with them, making sure families will get additional discounts depending on when purchased. 
  • Responsible for facilitating the layout and assembly of the yearbook and designing 25+ pages.
  • Oversee and coordinate with Yearbook Page Designers and distribute a list of Events/Classes (provided by a board member).
  • Decide how many pages each event/class will need and communicate to Page Designers.
  • Check over completed pages—edit, check edge spacing, remove typos.
  • Organize the general layout of the yearbook with front and back of each page in order.
  • The Yearbook Editor is the only person to make edits to the pages of the yearbook to ensure the formatting is consistent.
  • Write up details on how to upload pictures and purchase yearbooks, and submit these details to the board member for approval. Post announcement to forum.


Yearbook Admin 

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 4

  • Responsible for creating folders in TreeRing for every Verity event. Checking the Verity calendar on a consistent basis to know what folders to create prior to the events happening.
  • Responsible for communicating monthly reminders/deadlines via the Verity forum: due dates for all Verity events, back to school and family pictures, yearbook orders, family pages, etc.
  • Remind all event hostesses and coordinators to take pictures of their event and upload to Treering.
  • Attend a one-time training by the Editor on the basics of yearbook design. 


Page Designers (2 people): 

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 4

  • The Yearbook Page Designer is responsible for creating pages for the yearbook from pictures taken by parents at events and classes.
  • Will work closely with Yearbook Editor to choose school events and/or classes to create pages for.
  • Follows the format the Editor has chosen for the yearbook.
  • Create yearbook pages for each activity or class (approximately 24 pages).
  • Must submit pages to the Editor for approval.
  • Attend a one-time training by the Editor on the basics of yearbook design. 



Community Service Coordinator (2-3 people):

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 2

  • Plan and organize a community service project and/or event for Academy students to be a part of. All the details will need to be communicated one month before the event by completing the Announcement Form given to you by a board member. Send out reminders through the Announcement forum on the Verity Academy website. Make sure pictures for the yearbook are taken and uploaded to TreeRing by the date set from the Yearbook Coordinator.
    • Some ideas are: Kids Against Hunger, Nursing Home visit, Night to Shine, Operation Christmas Child, Homeless Care Packaging Event, Coat Drive, community trash pick-up. 



MOM T.I.M.E. (Teach, Inspire, Mentor, Encourage) T.I.M.E.s are held on one evening in October, January, and March.  These evenings will provide an opportunity for moms to connect and be encouraged.

MOM T.I.M.E. Speaker:  (3 Needed)  

Yearly Volunteering Credit- 2

  • Plan to speak/share at one of our MOM T.I.M.E. meetings in October, January or March. When signing up for this, please indicate the topics you are interested in sharing about.  Talk should be about 20 minutes. 

MOM T.I.M.E. Hostess:  (3 needed)

Yearly Volunteering Credit- 2

  • Host an evening MOM T.I.M.E. gathering on a weeknight in your home either in October, January or March.  
  • You will be responsible for providing the space, chairs, snacks, and hot & cold (decaf) beverages. 
  • Hostess must live in Livermore, Dublin or Pleasanton. 
  • Please note the month and date that you would like to host on your Volunteer Form. 


Mom's Back to School Potluck (Sept.):

Yearly Volunteering Credits - 4

  • Plan a Saturday morning in September for moms to start off the school year with breakfast, fellowship, and support. You must be available during summer to begin planning the details while working with a board member. 
  • You will be responsible for hosting, organizing potluck, providing hot and cold beverages, cleaning up afterwards (with help), and communicating with Academy members by sending out reminders through the Announcement forum on the Verity Academy website.  (Reimbursement given with receipts.)
  • All details will need to be communicated one month before the event by completing the Announcement Form given to you by a board member.
  • A board member will give you guidance and the budget for planning your event. 
  • Please plan on having someone take pictures for the yearbook and upload photos to TreeRing by the date given from the Yearbook Coordinator.


Mom’s Back to School Potluck Set-Up and Clean-Up:

Yearly Volunteering Credits - 1

  • Be in communication with the hostess of the Mom’s Back to School Potluck to assist with set-up and clean-up before and after the event.


Mom's Thanksgiving Potluck Soup Night (Nov.):

Yearly Volunteering Credits – 4

  • Plan a night in November for moms to spend some time giving thanks and enjoying soup together in a festively decorated home. 
  • You will be responsible for hosting, coordinating a soup potluck, providing beverages including a decaf hot beverage option, and communicating with Academy members by sending out reminders through the Announcement forum on the Verity Academy website.
  • You will be responsible for planning a conversation starter or ice breaker.
  • All details will need to be communicated one month before the event by completing the Announcement Form given to you by a board member.
  • A board member will give you guidance and the budget for planning your event. 
  • Please plan on having someone take pictures for the yearbook and upload photos to TreeRing by the date given from the Yearbook Coordinator.


Mom’s Christmas Fellowship Potluck (Dec.):

Yearly Volunteering Credits – 4    

  • Plan an evening in early to mid December for Academy moms to get together for fellowship, an ornament exchange, and fun.
  • You will be responsible for hosting and coordinating a potluck dinner, providing beverages including a decaf hot beverage option, and communicating with Academy members by sending out reminders through the Announcement forum on the Verity Academy website.
  • In addition to the ornament exchange, you are encouraged to create a special time of festivities, Christmas games, or anything else to make the fellowship special and meaningful for the moms.
  • All details will need to be communicated one month before the event by completing the Announcement Form given to you by a board member.
  • A board member will give you guidance and the budget for planning your event. 
  • Please plan on having someone take pictures for the yearbook and upload photos to TreeRing by the date given from the Yearbook Coordinator.


Valentine Celebration for Moms- Hostess (Feb.):

Yearly Volunteering Credits – 4

  • Plan an evening in February for Academy moms to get together for Valentine games, food, hot and cold decaf beverages, and fun or anything to make the fellowship special and meaningful for the moms.
  • All details will need to be communicated one month before the event by completing the Announcement Form given to you by a board member.
  • A board member will give you guidance and the budget for planning your event. 
  • Be responsible for communicating reminders for the event  through the Announcement forum on Verity Academy website. 
  • Please plan on having someone take pictures for the yearbook and upload photos to TreeRing by the date given from the Yearbook Coordinator.


Mom’s Teacher Appreciation Dinner (May):

Yearly Volunteering Credits – 6

  • Host a special event in early May for fellowship and a catered dinner for the teaching moms of Verity Academy.
  • You will host approximately 20-25 moms in your backyard, inside your house or another facility. You will be responsible for gathering all supplies, setting tables, creating a welcoming environment, and communicating with a board member who will run this event. You will be provided a budget and will order the food and supply hot and cold decaf beverage options. You will be responsible for all clean-up and tear down afterwards and will have a volunteer assigned to help.
  • Please plan on having someone take pictures for the yearbook if the date of the dinner is not too late to have them included (verify with Yearbook Coordinator).


Mom’s Teacher Appreciation Dinner Set-Up and Clean-Up:

Yearly Volunteering Credits - 1

  • Be in communication with the hostess of the Mom’s Teacher Appreciation Dinner to assist with set-up and clean-up before and after the event.



Father-Son Event:

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 2 (If an overnight event, 4 credits)

  • Plan and attend an event for fathers and sons to get together and have fun.  
  • Facilitate and guide discussion and conversation toward topics that are edifying to the boys or are helpful for building relationships. 
  • All details will need to be communicated one month before the event by completing the Announcement Form given to you by a board member.
  • Be responsible for communicating reminders for the event through the Announcement forum on Verity Academy website.
  • Please plan on having someone take pictures for the yearbook and upload photos to TreeRing by date given from the Yearbook Coordinator.


Father-Daughter Event:

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 2 (If an overnight event, 4 credits)

  • Plan and attend an event for fathers and daughters to get together and have fun.  
  • Facilitate and guide discussion and conversation toward topics that are edifying to the girls or are helpful for building relationships. 
  • All details will need to be communicated one month before the event by completing the Announcement Form given to you by a board member.
  • Be responsible for communicating reminders for the event through the Announcement forum on Verity Academy website.
  • Please plan on having someone take pictures for the yearbook and upload photos to TreeRing by date given from the Yearbook Coordinator.


Mother-Son Event:

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 2 (If an overnight event, 4 credits) 

  • Plan and attend an event for mothers and sons to get together and have fun. 
  • Facilitate and guide discussion and conversation toward topics that are edifying to the boys or are helpful for building relationships. 
  • All details will need to be communicated one month before the event by completing the Announcement Form given to you by a board member.
  • Be responsible for communicating reminders for the event through the Announcement forum on Verity Academy website.
  • Please plan on having someone take pictures for the yearbook and upload photos to TreeRing by date given from the Yearbook Coordinator.


Mother-Daughter Tea Party (Apr.):

Tea Party Hostess

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 6

  • Plan and host a Mother-Daughter (1st grade & up) Tea Party in April.
  • Work with your craft coordinator to decide a theme and work out the details of how to host this year and how you will utilize the budget you’ve been given.
  • Shop for supplies (tea basics, other beverages, paper products, flowers, table decorations) and work with the board coordinator for additional needs such as: water boiler, tables, chairs and linens, teacups, tea pots, cream and sugar sets, etc. 
  • All details will need to be communicated one month before the event by completing the Announcement Form given to you by a board member.
  • Be responsible for communicating reminders for the event through the Announcement forum on the Verity website and keep track of what each guest is bringing.  Take sign-ups of girls who would like to share a talent such as playing the piano, reciting a poem, or singing a song and create a program to highlight these talents.
  • This is a fun, enjoyable time for moms and their daughters. Be sure someone will welcome guests, and have someone share a short faith-encouraging word and pray before the lunch together. 
  • Please plan on having someone take pictures for the yearbook and upload photos to TreeRing by date given from the Yearbook Coordinator.  It’s especially lovely to have each set of mothers and daughters photographed together.


Tea Party Craft Coordinator and Activity Planner:

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 2

  • Plan a table topic activity and a mixer activity for the day to keep girls interacting and communication flowing.
  • Plan a craft for the girls, purchase or obtain supplies, and help with the craft the day of the tea.
  • Plan to be at the party at least an hour before and to assist during the party.


Tea Party Clean Up:

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 1

  • Assist with clean up of decorations, tea sets, etc. 


Dad’s Gathering:

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 2

  • Plan a gathering for Verity Academy dads to get together for fellowship.
  • You will be responsible for hosting and coordinating a meetup for the dads and communicating with Academy members by sending out reminders through the Announcement forum on the Verity Academy website. All details will need to be communicated one month before the event by completing the Announcement Form given to you by a board member. 
  • Please plan on having someone take pictures for the yearbook and upload photos to TreeRing by date given from the Yearbook Coordinator.

Family Movie Event:

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 2

  • Plan a Saturday morning movie event at the Vine Cinema & Alehouse in Livermore.
  • You will be responsible for scheduling with the Vine Cinema to rent the theater for a Saturday morning movie event. You will also choose a family-friendly movie that has been approved by a board member.
  • All details will need to be communicated one month before the event by completing the Announcement Form given to you by a board member.
  • Be responsible for communicating reminders for the event through the Announcement forum on Verity Academy website.
  • Please plan on having someone take pictures for the yearbook and upload photos to TreeRing by date given from the Yearbook Coordinator.

Parent’s Date Night:

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 2

  • Plan a date night for Academy parents. Ideas for this event include having a game night, dinner downtown, or any idea that would bring Verity couples together for an evening of fellowship. 
  • You will be responsible for planning the details of this event such as coordinating refreshments, coordinating set up/clean up help, writing up details for the invitation.


Park Day Coordinator 

Yearly Volunteering Credit – 8

  • Plan two park days a month for the year (September through November and February-May). This will require advance planning to choose a date, time, and park.  
  • You will need to arrive on time to meet and greet Verity Academy families. You may even plan an activity such as a scavenger hunt, games, or “bring your own bubbles”. This is perfect for those with young children who enjoy going to the park. You are responsible for finding a replacement hostess if you are unable to attend the scheduled park day.
  • All details will need to be communicated one month before the 1st scheduled park day in September by completing the Announcement Form given to you by a board member.
  • Be responsible for communicating reminders for the event through the Announcement forum on the Verity Academy website.
  • Please plan on having someone take pictures for the yearbook and upload photos to TreeRing by the date given from the Yearbook Coordinator.


Theater Performance Coordinator

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 4

  • Select 3 events from the family theater calendar for plays through the Bankhead in Livermore, California Theatre Centre at the Firehouse in Pleasanton, or other local theaters. All events will need to be approved by a board member.
  • Contact CYT (Christian Youth Theater) and inquire about school day shows that they may offer throughout the year. Coordinate tickets for the Academy and give details to the Event Coordinator for the website announcement. They *may* offer a school day show in Oct., Feb., and May.
  • You will be responsible for submitting details to the board member for the website announcement, coordinating seats for our group for the events that you choose, and making payment to the theater. You must attend the plays with the other Academy members.
  • All details will need to be communicated one month before each event by completing the Announcement Form given to you by a board member.
  • Be responsible for communicating reminders for the event through the Announcement forum on Verity Academy website.
  • Please plan on having someone take pictures for the yearbook and upload photos to TreeRing by the date given from the Yearbook Coordinator.


Back- to -School Family Picnic & Activities Coordinator (Aug/Sept.):

Yearly Volunteering Credit – 4

  • Organize a “back to school picnic” on a Saturday or Sunday at the end of August or early September. This will be a “bring your own picnic lunch” event with a fun invitation sent to all families through the Announcement forum on the Verity Academy website. 
  • Plan & organize at least 3 games for parents & children such as sack races, two-legged race, tug of war, or any game that isn’t too messy and would be suitable for a park setting.
  • Communicate with the board member about games chosen 1 week before the family picnic. 
  • Be responsible for purchasing simple prizes for winners of games with a budget given by a board member. 
  • Be responsible for communicating reminders for the event through the Announcement forum on Verity Academy website.
  • Please plan on having someone take pictures for the yearbook and upload photos to TreeRing by the date given from the Yearbook Coordinator.


Verity Information Night:

Yearly Volunteering Credit – 4

  • This is a board run event that you will be helping to organize. 
  • Locate a facility for Verity Academy to host the annual information Night, to be held in April preferably.
  • Coordinate or provide snacks, beverages (including decaf options), name tags, and paper products.
  • Find out where we obtain tables, chairs, and all other supplies needed for the evening and assist with set-up. 
  • Find out if we can offer childcare on the premises and assist in locating teen volunteers.
  • All details will need to be communicated one month before the event by completing the Announcement Form given to you by a board member.

Information Night Set Up/Clean Up:

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 1

  • Assist with set up and clean up of decorations, snacks, and any other necessary items.

Rock-N-Water Christian Camps Overnight Trip

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 4

  • Plan and organize an overnight trip to Rock-N-Water Christian Camps for students in 3rd - 8th grade.
  • You will be responsible for scheduling the trip with Rock-N-Water.
  • You or your spouse will need to attend the trip. 
  • Be responsible for sending out a packing list and cell numbers for all parents attending.
  •  Be responsible for sending out directions and carpool instructions (if needed).
  • All details will need to be communicated two months before the event by completing the Announcement Form given to you by a board member.
  • Be responsible for communicating reminders for the event through the Announcement forum on Verity Academy website.
  • Please plan on having someone take pictures for the yearbook and upload photos to TreeRing by the date given from the Yearbook Coordinator.


During registration, you will be prompted to complete a Field Trip Idea Form. (Your registration is not complete without this form.) 

Choose from a specific trip shown or create your own (ideas listed below). 

All Field Trips are Yearly volunteering Credit  - 2

Pumpkin Patch (October) 

Ice Skating (January)


Fruit Picking (May)  

Field trips are open for the following months and are available on a first come, first served basis. Once the month is full with a designated number of field trips (at the Board's discretion), we will ask that you either choose another month or another way to fulfill your volunteer role. You will need to designate which month you prefer when you fill out your Field Trip Idea Form during registration.

September     October     November     December     January     February     March     April     May

Expectations for all field trips:

  • Plan a field trip for all ages or a specific age group. 
  • All details will need to be communicated to members one month before the event by completing the Announcement Form given to you by a board member.  A board member will give you guidance in planning the event. 
  • Be responsible for communicating reminders for the event through the Announcement forum on the Verity Academy website.
  • You must arrive early and stay till the end of the event to make sure that things run smoothly. 
  • Please plan on having someone take pictures for the yearbook and upload photos to TreeRing by date given from the Yearbook Coordinator.

Additional Field Trip Ideas (not limited to these):


Ardenwood Farms

Bakery Tour

Bay Area Discovery Museum



Bug/Insect Guy 

CA Academy of Sciences

Discovery Museum (San Jose)    



Five Fields Flower Farm

Fire Station

Grocery Store

Hayward Shoreline

Horseback Riding

Ice Skating



In and Out

Lawrence Hall of Science, Berkeley 

Lawrence Livermore National Lab (5th grade & HS only)

Lindsay Wildlife Museum

Livermore related/Cattle or walking tour

Lost Worlds

Oakland or SF zoo

Old Town Sacramento

Pizza Place

Police Station

Pumpkin Patch

Rock N Jump

Sunol Train

Tour of Downtown Livermore 

Trivalley Stargazers 

USS Hornet

Windmill Farm


Fall Craft Class:

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 4

  • Plan a fall craft class for elementary students aged 11 and younger. 
  • Please choose a day in October or November for your class; remember to look at the calendar when choosing your date so we don’t have overlapping events.
  • You will be responsible for finding a location (church, home, or park), choosing 3-5 crafts, and purchasing or obtaining supplies.
  • A board member will provide you with guidance and a budget for planning this class.
  • All details will need to be communicated one month before the event by completing the Announcement Form given to you by the board member.
  • Be responsible for communicating reminders for the event through the Announcement forum on the Verity Academy website.
  • Please plan on having someone take pictures for the yearbook and upload photos to TreeRing by date given from the Yearbook Coordinator. 


Christmas Craft Class:

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 4

  • Plan a Christmas craft class for elementary students aged 11 and younger. 
  • Please choose a day in December; remember to look at the calendar when choosing your date so we don’t have overlapping events. 
  • You will be responsible for finding a location (church, home, or park), choosing 3-5 crafts, and purchasing or obtaining supplies. 
  • A board member will provide you with guidance and a budget for planning this class. 
  • All details will need to be communicated one month before the event by completing the Announcement Form given to you by the board member. 
  • Be responsible for communicating reminders for the event through the Announcement forum on the Verity Academy website.
  • Please plan on having someone take pictures for the yearbook and upload photos to TreeRing by date given from the Yearbook Coordinator. 


Valentine Craft Class:

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 4

  • Plan a Valentine’s craft class for elementary students aged 11 and younger. 
  • Please choose a day in February on or before the 14th; remember to look at the calendar when choosing your date so we don’t have overlapping events. 
  • You will be responsible for finding a location (church, home, or park), choosing 3-5 crafts, and purchasing or obtaining supplies. 
  • A board member will provide you with guidance and a budget for planning this class. 
  • All details will need to be communicated one month before the event by completing the Announcement Form given to you by the board member.  
  • Be responsible for communicating reminders for the event through the Announcement forum on the Verity Academy website.
  • Please plan on having someone take pictures for the yearbook and upload photos to TreeRing by date given from the Yearbook Coordinator.


Spring/Easter Craft Class: (Easter is April 20, 2025)

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 4

  • Plan a spring or Easter craft class for elementary students aged 11 and younger. 
  • Please choose a day before Easter if possible but remember to look at the calendar when choosing your date so we don’t have overlapping events.  
  • You will be responsible for finding a location (church, home, or park), choosing 3-5 crafts, and purchasing or obtaining supplies. 
  • A board member will provide you with guidance and a budget for planning this class. 
  • All details will need to be communicated one month before the event by completing the Announcement Form given to you by the board member.  
  • Be responsible for communicating reminders for the event through the Announcement forum on the Verity Academy website.
  • Please plan on having someone take pictures for the yearbook and upload photos to TreeRing by date given from the Yearbook Coordinator.



Do you or a family member have a passion or talent such as cooking, gardening, sewing, quilting, auto mechanics, computer skills, photography, graphic design, physical fitness, music, or other hidden talents? Are you skilled in a subject such as math, literature, science, foreign language, or history? Have you ever wanted to lead a Bible Study in a group with your student? Do you wish your student could connect more with other students in the Academy?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you may want to consider sharing your gifts and talents with the students of Verity Academy by coordinating a class or club. Every class should be offered to a variety of grade levels. 

During registration, you will be prompted to complete a Class Idea Form. (Your registration is not complete without this form.) All classes are subject to approval by the Class Coordinator. Once approved, a class may only be canceled with permission from the Class Coordinator.  Thank you for your cooperation with this policy. Please see positions available below.

One - Time Class:

Yearly Volunteering Credit- 2

  • Share a gift, talent, or interest by teaching a one-time class on a particular subject. Ideas for classes include but are not limited to gardening, cooking, nutrition, history topic, science topic, golf clinic, Bible Study, specialty craft class, travel, computer, or car maintenance. A class taught online through Zoom is also an option! 
  • Be responsible for communicating reminders for the event through the Announcement forum on the Verity Academy website.
  • Please plan on having someone take pictures for the yearbook and upload photos to TreeRing by date given from the Yearbook Coordinator.


On - Going Class:

Yearly Volunteering Credit- 2 per class (ex. 4 classes = 8 credits)

  • Plan and teach Verity Academy students an ongoing class weekly for 3 weeks or longer, or monthly for 3-4 months.  Ideas for classes include but are not limited to book club, public speaking, geography, science, crafts, cooking art, Bible Study, writers’ group, etc. A class taught online through Zoom is also an option!  
  • Be responsible for communicating reminders for the event through the Announcement forum on the Verity Academy website.
  • Please plan on having someone take pictures for the yearbook and upload photos to TreeRing by date given from the Yearbook Coordinator.


Guest Teacher:

Yearly Volunteering Credit- 2

  • When planning a class with a guest teacher, please keep in mind that Verity Academy prefers teachers who will be sharing or teaching our students from a biblical, Christian perspective. You may coordinate a class for Academy students involving a guest teacher from the community in their area of expertise.
  • Be responsible for communicating reminders for the event through the Announcement forum on the Verity Academy website.
  • Please plan on having someone take pictures for the yearbook and upload photos to TreeRing by date given from the Yearbook Coordinator.


Ongoing - Bible Study Facilitator for Moms: 

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 4

  • Facilitate and host an ongoing Bible study for moms using a video series or book study. Minimum 3 weeks.
  • Be responsible for communicating reminders for the event through the Announcement forum on the Verity Academy website.
  • Please plan on having someone take pictures for the yearbook and upload photos to TreeRing by date given from the Yearbook Coordinator.


Middle School Girls Fellowship Club Coordinator (God’s Girls):

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 8

  • Group for Verity Academy middle school girls (6th to 8th grade) that meet a minimum of 4 times throughout the year.
  • Must plan and make all arrangements for each meeting to include fun and fellowship, work with a limited budget, and encourage God-honoring conversation and activity. Could involve hosting as part of the event.
  • All details will need to be communicated one month before the event by completing the Announcement Form given to you by a board member.
  • Be responsible for communicating reminders for the event by emailing the middle school girl’s families.
  • Please plan on having someone take pictures for the yearbook and upload photos to TreeRing by date given from the Yearbook Coordinator.


Middle School Boys Fellowship Club Coordinator (God’s Faithful Followers):

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 8

  • Group for Verity Academy middle school boys (6th to 8th grade) that meet a minimum of 4 times throughout the year.
  • Must plan and make all arrangements for each meeting to include fun and fellowship, work with a limited budget, and encourage God-honoring conversation and activity. Could involve hosting as part of the event.
  • All details will need to be communicated one month before the event by completing the Announcement Form given to you by a board member.
  • Be responsible for communicating reminders for the event by emailing the middle school boy’s families.
  • Please plan on having someone take pictures for the yearbook and upload photos to TreeRing by date given from the Yearbook Coordinator.


High School Girls Fellowship Club Coordinator:

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 8

  • Group of Verity Academy high school girls (9th to 12th grade) that meet 4 times throughout the year. This position is also open to a high school student 10th grade or above, who will work with parent.
  • Must plan and make all arrangements for each meeting to include fun and fellowship, work with a limited budget, and encourage God-honoring conversation and activity. Could involve hosting as part of the event.
  • All details will need to be communicated one month before the event by completing the Announcement Form given to you by a board member.
  • Be responsible for communicating reminders for the event by emailing the high school girl’s families.
  • Please plan on having someone take pictures for the yearbook and upload photos to TreeRing by date given from the Yearbook Coordinator.


High School Guys Fellowship Club Coordinator:

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 8

  • Group for Verity Academy high school boys (9th to 12th grade) that meet 4 times throughout the year. This position is also open to a high school student 10th grade or above, who will work with their parent. 
  • Must plan and make all arrangements for each meeting to include fun and fellowship, work with a limited budget, and encourage God-honoring conversation and activity. Could involve hosting as part of the event.
  • All details will need to be communicated one month before the event by completing the Announcement Form given to you by a board member.
  • Be responsible for communicating reminders for the event by emailing the high school guy’s families.
  • Please plan on having someone take pictures for the yearbook and upload photos to TreeRing by date given from the Yearbook Coordinator.


Co-Ed High School Fellowship Club Coordinator:

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 8

  • Group for Verity Academy high school students (9th to 12th grade) that meet 4 times throughout the year. This position is also open to a high-school student 10th grade or above, who will work with their parent. 
  • Must plan and make all arrangements for each meeting to include fun and fellowship, work with a limited budget, and encourage God-honoring conversation and activity. Could involve hosting as part of the event.
  • All details will need to be communicated one month before the event by completing the Announcement Form given to you by a board member.
  • Be responsible for communicating reminders for the event by emailing the high school families.
  • Please plan on having someone take pictures for the yearbook and upload photos to TreeRing by date given from the Yearbook Coordinator.



DVD/Slideshow Producer:

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 4

  • Create a video file of memories from current year Academy events and activities, 15-20 minutes long. 
  • Create a video file of the 8th grade graduates set to music to be shown at the end of the year celebration and graduation.
  • Create a video file of the senior graduates set to their Bio's to be shown at the end of the year celebration and graduation.


  1. Must have access to equipment and experience to create a 6 to 20-minute picture DVD set to music.

  2. Pictures will be available for creating a video file in May with a due date of the end of May.

  3. Communicate with the Graduation Tech Committee Team to get all information needed for photos and deadlines.

Set-up Crew 

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 1

  • Be at graduation 2 hrs. before event to help with set-up and reception preparations. Work with Reception Committee to set up what is needed for reception to go smoothly. 
  • Help Stage Committee as needed with decorations. 


Clean-up Crew:

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 1 

  • Stay after the graduation ceremony to help clean up, take down decorations, clean up the kitchen, etc. Plan to work 2 hours.


Graduation Coordinator:

Yearly Volunteering Credit - 6

  • Provides oversight and direction to all Committee Leads, ensuring deadlines are met and plans are moving forward. 
  • Works with the Board of Directors and Graduate Families to finalize a date and time for the ceremony and to secure a venue.
  • Detailed instructions will be provided.