Verity - A true principle or belief, of essential, fundamental importance Registration Opens May 25th

Request Membership in Verity Academy East Bay

Fill out the form below and click the Continue button at the bottom.

Full Membership Applications must be submitted by November 15, 2024. Partnered and Junior Partnered Applications will be accepted until January 6, 2025.


We are so happy that you are considering joining Verity Academy East Bay, a PSP (Private School Satellite Program) and Homeschool Support Group! We welcome families who wish to take responsibility for their children's education and who desire to contribute their gifts and time to help make Verity Academy East Bay a community of encouragement, friendship, and faith. 

Registration doesn’t take that long (expect to spend about an hour reading and sharing information) but there are a few pieces of information that you will need to understand in order to get started:

Christian Community
Verity Academy is a community united in Christ. Therefore we ask each family joining to review our Statement of Faith prior to starting the registration process.
Safe Community
We desire for Verity Academy to be a safe community for all families. As a result, Verity Academy East Bay requires a background check at registration for the husband and wife of all new member families. Additionally, any adults (18+, including adult children) who will be at the home during official, drop-off Verity Academy events must also pass a background check. Verity-enrolled students who turn 18 during the school year are exempt. (Additional adults may be authorized as needed but background checks for the husband and wife are required at the time of registration.)  Members will pay a $27 fee to cover the cost, which is nonrefundable. This background check will remain valid for a period of 4 years, at which time it must be repeated.  We partner with Protect My Ministry to run background checks, where you will be asked for your social security number and driver's license number. Negative results on a parent's background check may impact membership approval which is at the sole discretion of the Verity Academy Board of Directors.
Membership Cost & Options
As a homeschooling support group, Verity Academy relies on membership fees and awesome volunteers to cover the cost and time of providing this support to our families. Fees vary based upon the Membership Options that best fit your family. In order to complete the registration process, a non-refundable $75 deposit is required upon submission.  
Verity Academy partners with Home School Legal Defense Association to protect all our families. As a result, HSLDA membership is required and we will need your HSLDA member number when filling out the registration. If new to HSLDA, instructions on how to obtain our school group discount number are available in the registration question below.  


Ready? Let's get you registered!


Family Information

Note: Uploading family or student photos below is optional. 

indicates a required field

Yes No

Upload Family Photo (Optional) .jpg, .gif or .png


Add Child

Additional Questions


Membership Information


Medical and Health Information


Volunteer Service

Verity Academy is what our members make us to be! Thank you for volunteering your time and energy to benefit our community. 

  Volunteer Commitments for 2024-25

Please read the Volunteer Service Opportunities (VSO) document and fill in the boxes below with your top 5 choices of how you would like to serve. You must include 5 different options, in case your first choices are unavailable. 
  • IF signing up to teach a class, please list the name of the class below and fill out the Class Idea Form. Form must be submitted to complete registration. 
  • IF signing up to coordinate a field trip, list the name of the field trip below and fill out the Field Trip Idea Form. Form must be submitted to complete registration.
  • IF signing up to plan an event, please list the name of the event below and fill out the Event Idea Form. Form must be submitted to complete registration. 

Graduation Committees 

If you have a 7th, 8th, 11th or 12th grader and plan on having your student participate in the Graduation Ceremony either this year or next year,  please read the Graduation Committee Options document.  

(If your family does not have a student in these grades or will not be participating in graduation either this year or next year, please select n/a for each choice)


Select your Top 3 choices:


Policies, Contracts, and Releases


Financial Information

Payment Instructions

This portion of the registration process requires a deposit of $75 to secure your registration.

PayPal Instructions: Immediately after submitting this application, please go to the Verity Academy East Bay website and log in with the username and password you selected at the beginning of this application. Then select, "Balance" in the blue bar at the very top. 

Personal Check Instructions: The check for $75 must be received in our post office box before your registration is considered complete. Please make your check payable to Verity Academy East Bay and mail to:  Verity Academy East Bay;  PO Box 2386; Livermore, CA 94550.

The remainder of your membership fees will be added to your account shortly after your application has been approved. Please see the Registration Fees page for details.

Please make note of your chosen username and password for future log-ins. 

To submit your application, promise us you're not a robot and click continue below. 

Payment Options