Verity - A true principle or belief, of essential, fundamental importance Registration Opens May 25th

Wellness & Privacy Policy 2023-24

indicates a required answer

1. *

Verity Academy East Bay Well-Child Policy

We ask each family to take personal responsibility for their own children, and to exercise reasonable care to safeguard and protect other families. The best place for a sick child is at home. Only well children can attend Verity Academy events.

A parent or child may not be present with others if they have ANY of the following:

  • Fever in the last 24 hours (without fever reducing medicine)
  • Vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours
  • Rash of unknown origin
  • Lice, Pink eye, or other infectious diseases
  • Non-clear mucus discharge coming from nose

Regarding Covid-19 specifically, please consider following the CDC guidelines for quarantine and isolation. You can find that link HERE.

We request that all families be self-governing and personally responsible, only attending when they are comfortable with the risk inherent in any gathering for fellowship and taking all the precautions which they determine best for their own family.

Additionally, we request that each family acts carefully and kindly, respecting each other by being extra diligent in choosing to keep their family home if in doubt regarding an illness.


Do you understand and support this wellness policy?

2. *

Verity Academy East Bay Privacy Policy

Verity Academy East Bay, as a privately-run nonprofit, keeps all family and child information confidential to the extent provided by law. Our directory is private and may not be used for any other purpose than to communicate and connect with one another. Do not share our directory information with anyone for any reason. This privacy policy includes requested reporting to the county if someone in your household tests positive for Covid-19. You are not required by law to share private protected information, which is what our Academy membership directory is. If a family member tests positive, and someone in your family has been at an Academy event or class within the last 2 weeks, please either:

1. Directly contact those Verity members you were in contact with, or

2. Contact a Board Member with the list of families you were in contact with and we will assist you in reporting your illness to those families.

Please type your first and last name below to indicate that you understand this privacy policy AND will not share our member names or contact information.